3 Tables Founding Organizer
The 3 Tables Chess Club idea came to Michael Johnson when he noticed that the number of higher rated players around Kentucky were not traveling to play in many chess tournaments. Some players did not like the idea of traveling far without knowing how many other players would show up to play in a tournament. And there was never a guarantee that players of comparable strength would show up to play either. Michael Johnson, a class A player at the time, often thought about a practical solution to the lack of participation of Kentucky’s higher rated chess players in tournaments. What if an organizer could guarantee strong competition for nearly every game?
Michael Johnson shared his thoughts with chess organizers, yet nobody was interested enough to act on Michael’s idea. Therefore, Michael decided to act himself. He needed to create the venue first. Michael moved out of his apartment and into his house. He knocked down a wall between two bedrooms to create one large chess room for small tournaments.
In addition to refurbishing his house so that it was suitable for chess tournaments, Michael Johnson saved money to purchase three special chess tables. These tables were the same tables used by the St. Louis Chess Club in hosting the U.S. Chess Championship. Michael saved his money over time to purchase the chess tables; they were quite expensive. Then in December 2012, Michael held the first 3 Tables Chess tournament with three chess tables. As time went on, Michael saved more money to invest in his chess club. He purchased more tables over the years. Michael Johnson organized monthly tournaments for players rated 1900 and above from 2012 to 2020, the year COVID-19 ushered in unprecedented change to the world.
Daro Mott was a participant in the 3 Tables Chess Tournaments and he kept in touch with Michael Johnson during the pandemic. Michael eventually sold his house but Daro agreed to take over the organizer responsibility for the 3 Tables Chess Club. Once vaccines were widely available, Daro Mott resumed the monthly 3 Tables Chess Club Tournament in May of 2021. The 3 Tables Chess Tournament name and brand stuck.
“The 3 Tables Chess Tournaments continue and get even better. I’m honored that he keeps the name and the tradition going stronger and better than ever. Daro has improved not only the 3 Tables Chess Tournaments with better venues and being more inclusive, but he’s also turned out to be quite a leader in the chess community and bringing the different chess organizations together for the benefit of all chess players.” ~ Michael Johnson